Caust, Josephine (2024) Art and Politics: Governments and the Arts in Australia Routledge, Abingdon UK. ISBN 978-1-032-04072-1
Caust, Josephine (2018) Arts Leadership in Contemporary Contexts, Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies, Abingdon: Routledge. IBSN 978-1-138-67731-9
Caust Jo (ed.) (2015) Arts and Cultural Leadership in Asia, Routledge Asian Studies, Abingdon UK. ISBN: 978-1-138-81537-7
Caust Jo (ed.) (2013) Arts Leadership-International Case Studies, Tilde University Press, Melbourne, Australia IBSN: 978-0-7346-1169-7
Caust Jo (2009) Leadership and Creativity; understandings of this relationship in arts organisations VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Germany 2009 ISBN-10: 3639104447
Book chapters
Caust, Josephine (2024) “The Sydney Festival 2022– the risks in accepting arts sponsorship” in Duggan, Michael Ed. (2024) How Events Transform Society Routledge Edited Series Forthcoming
Caust, Josephine & Goodwin, Kim (2023) “Shared Leadership and the Evolution of Festivals: What Can Be Learned?” In The Oxford Handbook of Arts and Cultural Management Edited by Marilena Vecco, & Yuha Jung, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Caust, Josephine (2023) “Cultural policy in an Australian setting” in Australian Politics and Policy, Edited by Nick Barry, Peter Chen, Yvonne Haigh, Sara C. Motta and Diana Perche, Sydney University Press ISBN: 9781743328859 DOI: 10.30722/sup.9781743328859 accessed at: Australian Politics and Policy 2023 edition (sydneyuniversitypress.com.au)
Caust, Josephine (2022) “Arts, Culture, Country” in From the Heart, The Voice, the Arts and Australian Identity The New Platform Papers Volume 2, Editor Julian Meyrick, Currency House, Sydney. ISBN 978-1-922762-54-2.
Vecco M. & Caust, J. (2019) “UNESCO, Cultural Heritage Sites and Tourism: a paradoxical relationship” in Pechlaner H., Innerhofer Elisa, & Erschbamer Greta (Eds) (2019) Overtourism: How can tourism be managed for the benefit of locals?
Caust, Josephine (2019) “The Arts Funding Divide; would ‘cultural rights’ produce a fairer approach?” in The Routledge Companion to Arts Management Edited by William Byrnes and Aleksandar Brkić, Routledge: New York ISBN: Hardback 978-1-138-49222-6 and ISBN eBook 978-1-351-03086-1.
Caust J. (2015) “Different cultures but similar contexts: leadership of major performing arts centres in the Asia Pacific Region” in Caust J. (2015) Arts and Cultural Leadership in Asia Routledge Asian Studies, Abingdon UK. Abingdon UK. ISBN: 978-1-138-81537-7
Caust J. (2014) “Are we supporting or destroying our international treasures? The cultural tourism conundrum” in Ký Yêu Hǫi Thào Khoa Hǫc Quõc Tê (ed) The 10-Year Implementation of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Experiences, Lessons and Future Directions P. 110- 123 published in Vietnamese in Hanoi, Vietnam IBSN 9786046703303.
Caust J (2013) “The Artist as Leader” in Caust J. (ed.) (2013) Approaches to Arts Leadership-International Case Studies Tilde University Press, Melbourne, Australia
Caust J (2011) “Arts Management Education in Australia: the case study of the arts management program at the University of South Australia” in Lynen P (2011) International Arts Management Concepts: Higher Education for the Market, Center for International Arts Management, SK Stiftung Kultur, Koln Germany.
Caust J (2009) “State of SA; the Arts” in Spoehr J Ed. The State of South Australia Australian Institute for Social Research/Wakefield Press December 2009
Journal articles
Caust, Josephine (2021) “Sustainability of Artists in Precarious Times; How Arts Producers and Individual Artists Have Adapted during a Pandemic” Sustainability 2021, 13(24)
Caust, Josephine (2020) “Cultural Rights as Human Rights and the Impact on the Expression of Arts Practices” Journal of Citizenship and Globalisation Studies, 2020; 3(1): 1–14
Caust, Josephine (2019) “Open Access Arts Festivals and Artists: Who benefits?” Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society
Caust, Josephine (2018) “There is not one ideal model: Different governments and how they relate to the arts” Cultural Management: Science and Education, Vol. 2, No. 2(2018) P.9-22.
Caust, J. and Vecco, M. (2017) “To what extent does UNESCO’s World Heritage approach protect or further undermine cultural heritage sustainability? Evidence from Asian developing countries” Journal of Cultural Heritage Vol. 27 October P. 1-9
Caust J. (2017) “The continuing saga around arts funding and the cultural wars in Australia” International Journal of Cultural Policy Published online 25 July 2017
Caust J. (2015) “Cultural wars in an Australian context: challenges in developing a national cultural policy” International Journal of Cultural Policy Vol. 21, Issue 2, 2015. P.168-182
Caust J (2011) “Resilience: or the capacity to adapt/survive in a potentially hostile world” in Artwork: Arts, Culture and Resilience 2011 Community Arts Network, Adelaide P.7-10
Caust Jo & Glow Hilary (2011) “Festivals, artists and entrepreneurialism: the role of the Adelaide Fringe Festival” International Journal of Event Management Research Volume 6, No 2, 2011.
Caust Jo (2010) “Does the art end when the management begins? The challenges of making ‘art’ for both artists and arts managers” Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management Vol 7 Issue 2 December 2010.
Glow H & Caust J (2010) “Valuing Participation: Artists and the Adelaide
Fringe Festival” The International Journal of the Humanities Vol 8 No 2. P. 413 – 423.
Caust Jo (2010) “Arts and business: The impact of business models on the activities of major performing arts organisations in Australia” Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture and Policy Issue 135 May 2010 University of Queensland.
Caust Jo (2008) “Focus on SA in Visual Arts 2007-8”, NAVA Quarterly, September 2008, National Association for Visual Arts p.17.
Caust, J. (2007) “The arts, governments and money: do the arts have any value if they don’t make money?” International Journal of the Humanities, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp 227-234.
Caust Jo (2006) “Valuing Art/Culture” in Artwork Issue 65, December 2006 Community Arts Network, Adelaide.
Caust J. (2005) “Does it matter who is in charge? The influence of the business paradigm on arts leadership and management.” Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management, 3, 1, pp 153-165.
Caust J. (2005) “Privilege or problem: the distinct role of government in arts development in South Australia” Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 35, 1, pp 21-35.
Caust J. (2004) “A festival in disarray: Was the 2002 Adelaide Festival a ‘debacle’ or a path towards another model of arts organization and leadership?” Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 34, 2, pp 103-117.
Caust J. (2003) “Putting the arts back into arts policy making: How arts policy has been ‘captured’ by the economists and marketers”.International Journal of Cultural Policy, 9, 1, pp 51 – 63.
Regular contributor to the Conversation with over 450,000 reads.
Recent examples:
Caust, Jo (2022) “Australia should have a universal basic income for artists. Here’s what that could look like” The Conversation, May 2, 2022
Caust, Jo (2022) “It is time for Australia to establish a national Ministry for Culture” The Conversation, March 28, 2022
Caust, Jo (2021) “Circus Oz is to close after 44 years. They irrevocably changed Australian circus, and brought it to the world” The Conversation December 10th, 2021
Caust, Jo (2021) “What happens when your arts minister suffers from cultural cringe?” The Conversation April 8th 2021
Caust, Jo (2020) “A litany of losses: a new project maps our abandoned arts events of 2020”The Conversation October 28, 2020
Caust, Jo (2020) “Coronavirus: 3 in 4 Australians employed in the creative and performing arts could lose their jobs” The Conversation April 20, 2020
Caust, Jo (2020) “Artists help communities during a crisis, not hinder. Why are we still told they don’t matter?” The Conversation January 15th 2020